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We completed the Synergy project for Tourism in Semester I. We used both formative and summative assessment, as well as self and teacher assessment. Throughout the project, we provided students with benchmarks they needed to complete by certain dates. We would provide constructive feedback on what they accomplished providing them with guidance on their successes as well as areas they needed to address. This was a very positive experience for both us and the students. Most students were receptive to the guidance and incorporated the suggestions:)

At the end of the project, students completed a reflection and self-assessment using a rubric. The Tourism teacher used the same rubric to evaluate their projects. Students were very familiar with the rubric system for assessment.

Because of the later arrival of the tablets and GoPros, we didn't specifically assess their use of these tools. Our students used a variety of technology to create their projects. This semester's students will have the opportunity to learn how to use these tools more fully so we plan to use rubrics to assess their "mastery" of these tools in creating their projects.

Our professional assessment was and will be more informal. Most of it has been self reflections and discussions around what went well, what we could improve, and how we can transfer these tools to other learning areas.

In terms of effectiveness of of the project and tools, we looked at and will look at the bigger picture. For example, we will reflect on how effective this project/tools were at providing UDL and differentiated instruction, developing a growth mindset, and fostering placed based learning. We believe that although this semester we will be focusing more on individual students as opposed to a class, we will have a stronger understanding of its successes:)

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